Frozen Vistas Melt my Heart

Get Outside and Write Outside -the Winter version “Snowflakes are one of nature’s most fragile things, but just look at what they can do when they stick together.” ~ Vesta Kelly “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live in the life you’ve imagined.”                 ~Henry David Thoreau…

Christmas Conundrum

What an ending to 2016! This year had high points but proved very challenging for our family. And December has proved that this year is going out with a bang… or kick in the teeth…and shins! In four weeks, I lost my aunt and suffered from the flu, strep throat, a fast and furious stomach…

In Memory of my Aunt and in Honor of my Uncle

Due to having both strep throat and the flu simultaneously, I am late to posting this. My Aunt passed away peacefully last Thursday ,following a 14 year fight with Alzheimers.  I wanted to re-post a blog I wrote two years ago after staying with my Aunt and Uncle in memory of my Aunt and in…

The Beat-Up Roasting Pan

I love to share this, my very first blog post, every Thanksgiving as it holds much meaning to me. It’s been published in a few papers and a magazine, so I feel these feelings resonate with others as well. Hope you enjoy-again!! What are your plans this Thanksgiving? Are you planning the big feast, trying…

Wildfire of Words

Election day has come and gone. The decision has been made and many Americans are angry. In my humble, personal opinion, I felt either candidate winning would not be a victory. However, I am hopeful the next president will bring positive changes. That is all I can do is hope. The past month has brought…

The Challenge to be Present

  Recently, I was accused of not living in the present. Constantly planning for the future, wishing for more, focusing on what could be instead of what is. As much as I wanted to disprove their accusation, there was no argument to be made. I have always been a planner, a list maker, and a…

Get outside to write outside

  There is a new crispness to the air and a crunch of leaves beneath my feet- which means only one thing- Autumn has arrived! The time of year where everywhere you turn a new hue of leaves is spreading across the trees and pumpkin spice lattes are taking over coffee land. What better time,…

Summer’s Swan Song

As summer comes to a close and my favorite season rounds the corner, I can’t help but feel excited to trade the hot days, for cool nights, lemonades for pumpkin spice lattes and bright green leaves for rusty harvest colored ones. I hope you all had  fun filled summers, with brilliant memories made and maybe a chance…

Excerpt from my memoir: Nutella and NyQuil Addictions

**Thought I’d post an excerpt from my memoir this week. This chapter touches on the fact that there is no right or wrong way to grieve ( maybe healthier ways albeit), but it’s all just crazy messy grief. We try our best, in our own ways to wade across that arduous lake. However the trek…

Yesterday is a Closing Door

  Shattered. Like you’ve never been before. The life you knew, in a thousand pieces on the floor. And words fall short in times like these, But this world drives you to your knees. You think you’re never gonna get back, To the you that you used to be. Tell your heart to beat again,…

Get Busy Living

Sorry to be distant Blogosphere, but I have been busy living. The summer is known for   taking time to have fun with family and friends in the great outdoors and we have been taking advantage of that. From the  breezy SC coast to the  woodsy NC mountains, all the way to the high heat…


Have any writers out there found some inspiration from getting outdoors? Now that I live in the mountains, I find there are many scenic places to stop and pull out a pencil and notebook ( as I always have one on hand). But sometimes, it’s just about carving out time to write and soak in…