About Me

IMG_3292I am a Southern Yankee. Raised in Jersey, grew up in North Carolina (yes there is a difference). I am part Irish and part Italian. What parts you may ask? I inherited my freckles and fish belly white skin tone from the Irish and my petite midget-esque stature from the Italian. So I’m kinda like a leprechaun minus the gold. My brother got the tall dark and handsome genes, and yes I hold a grudge. I married my high school sweetheart, and we’ve been enamored with each other since 6th grade (insert gag reflex here). Where you find him, you find my foundation, my best friend and my happy place. At 6’2 and 5’0, we resemble green giant and sprout.

My parents both died young and I think those experiences fueled my adrenaline junkie spirit. I love jumping out of perfectly good airplanes and scuba diving into the deep. However, that toughness fades when I have to kill a spider.

I am obsessed with coffee ( cappuccino please!), traveling (I left my heart in Italy), all forms of chocolate (except white chocolate- what’s the point?), and great music (my playlists range from Dean Martin to Imagine Dragons). I can’t stand tail-gaters, those whose don’t use blinkers, mopeds or people who are “past their prime” driving ten miles below the speed limit. Hello, my name is Cara and I have road rage.

I work in the land of physical therapy, which I find both rewarding and challenging. However now I am attempting to follow one of my childhood dreams. I started with three: 1st to be the first woman president 2nd to be Paula Abdul and 3rd to be a writer of great things. Since I hate politics and confrontation, a presidential campaign is out. Though my dance moves are epic, dogs cower into the fetal position when I sing, so following in Paula’s footsteps isn’t an option. Which leaves becoming a writer of great things.

I have entered the blogosphere as a means to start this journey. So far it has been fraught with fear, inconsistency and self-depreciation. I am attempting to use my blog as a way to practice my writing skills, gain feedback and network with others who may have similar dreams.

Life continues to demonstrate its brevity to me, so I strive to fulfill my hopes and dreams now. I wish I knew what God has planned for my future, but since I don’t I pray for His guidance daily.
My current hope is to become a mother at least half as good as my own, finish my memoir and through my writing move people to think, laugh and live in the moment.

2018 Update:

Keeping to our manta of “Life is short-live it now”, my husband and I have moved to the mountains of North Carolina so he could follow his passion. We have opened up two successful fly-fishing outfitters and guide services. So you can say my husband is living the dream! I continue to work in physical therapy land in an inpatient setting, but this time I have a 180 degree view of the mountains. I have completed my first memoir and started work on my first work of fiction. I hope to find an agent for my memoir this Spring- fingers crossed! An new addition to the blog was my  amateur photography with encouragement for others to get outside. I find nature can be a great muse for writing.

Leave me a comment and introduce yourself!

40 Comments Add yours

  1. chadkmiller says:

    Well said Cara. It captures who you are really well. I need to pay you to help me rewrite mine!

  2. Susan says:

    scary how similar we are and how different. I mean white chocolate….uh gross but i can sing. My Italian side got me my height. You were so robbed.

  3. Susan says:

    oh and why, oh why, am I not on your blogroll? Oh. oops. You’re not on mine. I’m gonna beat you to it.

  4. Loved this. Got my attention immediately! You are gifted. Don’t stop.

    1. Thanks so much Christine!!! That means so much!!

  5. Thank you for looking at my blog and for the follow, Cara! I, too, am a would-be leprechaun, minus the interesting, story-telling talents of the Irish. 🙂

  6. meggtr2 says:

    You inspire me everyday friend…xo

  7. oneanna65 says:

    You go Girl! ❤ .

  8. lisboeta1 says:

    Lovely blog. Looking forward to exploring it further. And thank you for following mine. It means a lot 🙂

    1. Thanks so much! I too appreciate the support. Writers unite !! :). I enjoyed your blog as well, great job !

      1. lisboeta1 says:

        Thank you 🙂

  9. EDC Writing says:

    Yes you’ve got it … the writing thing … no idea what it is … just go with it … I’ll follow.

    1. “Just go with it” is right! Somewhere in my brain the scenes and characters of my fiction project keep forming and all I can do is try to keep my fingers typing. Hoping that they continue to lead the way.
      Thanks so much for following!

  10. dilipnaidu says:

    You are very talented. Good to meet you!

    1. That made my day. Thank you for such a kind compliment!! 🙂

  11. So glad I found you here! Great blog, wonderful writing.

    1. Thank you so much! Appreciate you stopping by. Love to have a new follower 🙂 I’ll be stopping by to see yours as well!

  12. So glad to have discovered your blog as a result of your following mine, Cara. I think you are a great writer just from reading your About Me page! You grabbed my attention and made me smile! Looking forward to reading more of your posts and since I am traveling and writing in Italy right now I’ll have a cappuccino for you! Grazie!

    1. Thank you so much for visiting mine!
      I just love that you are writing in Italy. My just finished memoir has a whole section on my time over there. I felt most at home and happy there and can not wait Til the day I return. I’ve said many times, I would love to take a writing retreat there. So beautiful and inspiring, it unlocks the mind and soul.
      I’ve been reading more of your blog. it was getting late and I had to go to sleep so I had to make myself stop reading -but I really love it. Thank you for the great reads and pictures!
      And thank you your kind words it means a lot!! Enjoy that cappuccino- I’m jealous!!

  13. Anabel Marsh says:

    Thanks for visiting The Glasgow Gallivanter!

  14. Alice Lundy says:

    Cara, I love your “about me” page because I get a sense of who you are. You’re a great reminder to grab life with gusto, as I’ve tried to make a habit of. Unfortunately, with my most recent loss, I kind of just sat down, almost got to a point of being comfortable on life’s sidelines. But, that’s not who I am! Thanks for the nudge through your writing. Good choice–you going for your writing! Bravo!

    1. Thanks so much for reading and commenting Alice! I do try to make an effort to live life with gusto, not only bc I know we aren’t promised tomorrow,but also in honor of my lost ones. It’s not easy most days, because the entanglements of life wrap me up quickly. It’s a daily choice. I hope soon you’ll be able to find your way back to yourself. It’s a hard journey but it sounds like you are on your way 🙂

  15. Joanna says:

    Don’t like mopeds? It must be the Irish “thing.” 😂 My first experience with moped was in a beautiful Sorento… I loved reading your blog. Will surely come back!!!

    1. Thanks for coming by and reading, Joanna! Mopeds and I don’t get along when they are hogging the roads here in NC. Too slow to follow and too dangerous to pass- makes my road rage or Irish ire stir up, lol! The mopeds or scooters in Italy are better. Although they are dare devils weaving in and out of traffic. Never actually rode one. I bet they are a blast!
      Please do come back!! Happy 4th of July !

  16. So lovely to have found you!! Looking forward to seeing what you come up to 🙂 Here’s to becoming writers of great things!!

    1. I’ve enjoyed your blog as well! Spot on descriptions of the same challenges that find me when I try to write 🙂

  17. Cyranny says:

    Congratulations for the Dream Big Dream often partnership 🙂 xx

    1. Thank you so much 🤗

      1. Cyranny says:

        My pleasure 🙂 nice to see you join the Dream Big Dream Often clan 🙂

  18. Scarlett79 says:

    You sound a lot like me…I too am a short irish/italian catholic girl. I married my high school sweet heart and we our celebrating our 39th wedding anniversary this August. I have 4 adult children, 3 boys & a girl, and Sean Patrick is our sweet angel who watches over his family from above. 2 of my boys our professional dancers, ballet in Virginia. My girl is a nurse and the oldest is still trying to find himself out in California…Just thought I’d drop by and say Hi, Hi…;)

    1. Hello!! Thank you so much for stopping by. We do sound a lot alike. I hope one day I have children of my own and have been blessed to be married that long. Your kids sound amazing ! Do you love up north?

      1. Scarlett79 says:

        I’m in the midwest..We are still freezing cold, going into the 2nd winter…ughh Yes my kids (even though they are all grown up) are really my life. Unfortunately little kids, little problems…Bigger kids, bigger problems…It’s all good though. Thanks for stopping by ❤

  19. anstalmi says:

    I had to laugh. I am a Jerseyite about to move to North Carolina! I found your site on the Dream Big Partnership list. I was wondering what your opinion is of that? I among going to look around your site some more!

    1. Really? What part of Jersey? We were near Sandy Hook. We moved to central NC originally and now we are in the mountains.
      Thanks for visiting. I definitely got more traffic by partnering with Daniel.
      I’m thinking of doing it again.
      Appreciate you stopping by! I’ll go check out yours as well 😊

      1. anstalmi says:

        I live in northern NJ and will be moving to the shore part of NC.

  20. anstalmi says:

    I just read you For the Love of dogs but I can’t find where to write a comment so I came back here. It is beautiful and made me cry for so many reasons. There is a lot in there I can identify with. I also know what you feel about low self esteem What you write about your talent, writing, I too feel about what I do – photography. Your writing is beautiful> I am looking forward to reading more.

    1. Sorry for my lateness in replying. We have been in the process of moving.
      Thank you so much for reading and much more for commenting. It’s so nice too know your words impacted someone else and that you aren’t alone in your feelings.
      I’ll have you check out your photography! I love taking pictures but it’s purely hobby.
      Thank you for your kindness 💕

  21. Happy to have found your blog, I love your writing. Good luck with the memoir! 😊

    1. Thank you so much 😊 Appreciate you stopping by !

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